lessen the gap造句
- "We are trying to lessen the gap between rich and poor, and it exists, we can't deny that ."
- But his sharp left hook and counterpunching skills help lessen the gap with some of his more seasoned competitors.
- A spectrum approach may also expand the type or the severity of issues which are included, which may lessen the gap with other diagnoses or with what is considered " normal ".
- Coca-Cola bought the maker of Glaceau Vitaminwater, Energy Brands Inc ., in May 2007 at a cost of $ 4.1 billion to lessen the gap between itself and Pepsi on the market of enhanced water.
- Flash Lite 3 is based on Flash 8, which lessens the gap between mobile and desktop content by supporting H . 264 video standard, as well as FLV video content ( as used by YouTube and Google Video ).
- It's difficult to find lessen the gap in a sentence. 用lessen the gap造句挺难的
- We have always been behind the West in the way we do things, and I think increasing the information that is out there will help lessen the gap between how we conduct business and how it is conducted elsewhere.
- However, countries scoring lower in assertiveness could employ PA for purposes of improving long-term communication development within the organization such as clarifying job objectives, guide training and development plans, and lessen the gap between job performance and organizational expectations.